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Super computer with Android smartphone!

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The poet says, ‘Small sand particles drop by drop water, the continent makes the sea abyss’ – that is, it is possible to do great things with small contributions. And using this principle, the world-renowned technology company IBM has undertaken a new public welfare project where the unused functionality of Android smartphones will be used to create a more powerful super computing network.

The strategy of this project is very simple. Many Android smartphones will be connected to this network. When the owners of the phones do not do any work on the phone, i.e. the devices remain idle, the phones will share their processing power from the IBM network, and thus many devices will be as powerful as a supercomputer. Computers will also be used in this network.

This is a huge Citizen Science project being run by IBM. Scientists have called on Android smartphone owners to “donate” some of their phone’s processing power to fight childhood cancer.

A mobile app for users to help by donating the processing power of their Android phone Need to download. World Community Grid, established by IBM in 2004 (World Community Grid ) Since its inception, 700,000 volunteer researchers have assisted researchers in all complex computations in this way. This includes research on Ebola, Zika, Tuberculosis and HIV AIDS.

Initially, the network used only the processing power of computers, but for several years, Android phones have also been used.

It is currently working on six types of childhood cancers, including brain tumors, liver and bone cancers.

To use this app, your phone must have a minimum charge of 90% and be connected to Wi-Fi. This application says it will not do anything unauthorized Reported Juan Hindo, Project Director, IBM Corporate Citizen

He added that researchers are working to find a cure and warning message for childhood cancer by running simulation tools.

Virtual supercomputers

Many computers are needed to carry out this research, but researchers can only use a super computer at certain times. Hindo said they need to run millions of simulations on each test.

Therefore, such research is time consuming and expensive, so it is almost impossible to do it in the laboratory.

After installing that particular app from IBM, this app will be able to use your phone for these calculations when your phone has unused computing power. Then if you do something on the phone, for example, start writing a message, the app will take a break. As a result, your work will not be hindered.

Hindo estimates that the system completes one to two million calculations per day.

This technology has previously been used in research to identify the cause of childhood cancer called neuroblastoma. About 200,000 volunteers have worked to improve its medical system.

In research, it has given them the opportunity to use a virtual super computer so that even an ordinary citizen can do research and contribute to the advancement of science, Hindo said.

This networked computing system is not currently available on iOS devices due to the structure of the Apple App platform.

This community grid system can be used by scientists for free, but on condition that their research findings be made public and accessible for use by other scientists.

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