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Surveillance technology is also coming on the internet of Bangladesh

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Internet Filetering

There are a number of ways to set up special surveillance or control systems on other such services on the Internet, including social networking sites. Received an offer Government of Bangladesh. The application of these content filtering technologies to the International Internet Gateway (IIG) will have the key capabilities to control and monitor online sharing. BTRC In hand

On April 8, the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission placed an advertisement on its website for “Internet Safety Solutions” for international service providers, with a deadline of May 20. quoting a senior official of the company Reporting, The commission has already received letters of interest from several companies. The main process will start after the verification and selection of these. He says “state, social, political and religious hatred spreads – this will be stopped by identifying such issues from the websites through this technology.”

The advertisement further mentions that filtering technology should be such that if it is introduced, it will not have any effect on internet speed and IIGs will also be able to run their business without any hindrance. The technology will be designed in such a way that it will be possible to remove the objectionable content while keeping the original site running. In these cases also the solution provider BTRC Will cooperate all the time.

You must know that the video clip of the movie “Innocence of Muslims” which was widely criticized for insulting the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam was not removed on September 16 last year. YouTube The site is blocked BTRC. If the filtering system is turned on, it will block access to certain content, in which case there will be no need to block the entire site.

In this regard, the information technology personality Mostafa Jabbar told However, it is important to ensure that this filter is not used for political purposes. “;

Asked if the filter would violate the privacy of social networking site users, Mr Mostafa said: “The issue needs to be looked at differently. If someone directly mocks or causes harm to someone else, it should be controlled or filtered. Otherwise, the problem will remain. “; He also said that there are similar surveillance systems in different countries of the developed world.

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