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Take care of the lungs during coronation, practice these 5 exercises to increase breathing!

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  • Coronavirus enters the body in different ways. Heart, Kidney, Lungs – The Reasons Why Someone Has Shortness of Breath, Someone Has Diarrhea.
  • If someone already has heart problems or hypertension, blood sugar, then the symptoms are getting stronger.

This time the digital desk:Coronavirus Enters the body in different ways. Heart, Kidney, Lungs – The Reasons Why Someone Has Shortness of Breath, Someone Has Diarrhea. If someone already has heart problems or hypertension, blood sugar, then the symptoms are getting stronger. However, the most common phenomenon is that Kovid-19 is directly attacking the airways and lungs. So it is important to keep the lungs and heart strong in all cases. Do you know the easiest way for him? The only requirement is regular Exercise And some daily habits.

Here are some common exercises that can help you avoid oxygen deprivation. Here are five exercises that will increase the level of oxygen in your body and make your lungs healthier.

Nervous pranayama
Bring the fingers of the right hand in front of the face, then lightly place the index finger and middle finger between the two eyebrows. Place thumb in right nostril and ring finger in left nostril. This time, with the pressure of the thumb, close the nostrils on the right side of the nose and breathe as much as you can through the nostrils on the left side. This time, press with Anamika, close the nostril on the right side and exhale through the left nostril. In the same way, inhale through the nostril on the left side once, exhale through the nostril on the right side and exhale on the left side by pressing on the right side. In this method this pranayama is practiced 10-15 times in each nostril.

Elevation is a very necessary seat to solve the problem of asthma. In addition to this, Uttanasana eliminates various stomach problems including constipation. Elevation also helps women to overcome various problems after insomnia and menopause. Practicing regular asanasana helps to reduce stress and relieve depression. Problems with nerves, kidneys, liver also keep up well. Stand up straight on the yoga mat. Keep a gap of about an inch between the two legs. Bend the whole body down from the waist without breaking the knees. You can hold both knees with your hands, leaning your body down in this way. Stay this way until the hamstring is pulled.

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Bhujangasana can be done, but it is beneficial for the lungs only if the process of exhalation and inhalation is followed properly while doing this asana. There are also some well-known pranayamas such as kapalbhati, anulom-bilom, bhramari, bhrastrika and wong chanting.

Kapalbhati Pranayama
Take a deep breath and take a deep breath. Focus on breathing hard. As you breathe in, the stomach should move inwards. People who suffer from liver problems can do this pranayama regularly. Kapalbhati Pranayama helps to increase the performance of the liver. Do Kapalbhati for 5 minutes every day. Regular Kapalbhati Pranayama is good for mental health. This results in brain exercise. Wake up every morning and do at least 5 minutes of Kapalbhati Pranayama as a rule.

Breathe through the lips
Slowly close your lips and breathe through your nose. 1-5 times then close the nose and exhale like blowing with the lips. In the same way, keep the nose closed and breathe through the mouth as if blowing, then hold the breath 1-5 times and exhale through the nose. Thus, if you practice twice a day, 10 times, the chances of lung damage are much less.

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2021-04-30 13:48:52
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