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Take care of your feet with a mixture of vinegar and water, find out its benefits

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Vinegar is one of the ingredients in the kitchen. However, it is not only used for cooking, but also for skin care. Its acidic properties can solve various problems of dry feet, moles and more. It contains acetic acid, which has antimicrobial properties, which helps in removing bacteria and germs from the body. Soaking your feet in vinegar-water mixture will bring many benefits.

Vinegar has antifungal properties, which can protect against bacteria, fungi and other harmful germs. So if you use vinegar in foot care, you will get very good results. But how to use? Let’s find out.

How to make vinegar foot soak

1) Put one cup of vinegar in lukewarm water. However, mix water and vinegar in the ratio of 21, for example – one part vinegar with two parts water.

2) You can also mix a few drops of lavender essential oil for fragrance.

3) Now soak your feet in this water for 15-20 minutes.

The benefits of soaking feet in a mixture of water and vinegar

– Relieves leg muscle sores or sores
– Eliminates foot odor
– Relieves pain from sunburn
– Heals dry skin
– Relieves toenail fungus attack
– Removes moles
– Also relieves cracked ankles or skin
– Lightens the impression of age

MAU, 01 July

Health | DesheBideshe
2021-07-01 21:56:22
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