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Takwaladera corona is two and a half times more likely to be affected!

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The deadly coronavirus is wreaking havoc around the world. The whole world is devastated by this virus. The health system has collapsed in different countries. Millions of people are being affected every day. Thousands of people are also dying.

This is another bad news. Studies have shown that bald-headed people are two and a half times more likely to be infected with this deadly virus than hairdressers.

The data came from a study by Applied Biology Inc., a California-based think tank. News Daily Mirror.

Researchers have found a strong link between corona infections and men with hair loss, the report said. Researchers say that hair loss is caused by a gene called androgenetic alopecia. The androgen hormone, on the other hand, acts as a stimulant to the coronavirus.

Studies have shown that most of the men who were hospitalized in the United States with coronavirus have baldness. The study, conducted on 65 people, also found that 69 percent of the androgenetic alopecia hormones in corona-affected bald men were more active. Which is two and a half times higher than the normal rate.

Andy Goren, one of the researchers, said the study was still ongoing. Hopefully, it will be possible to identify Kovid patient soon. Our research paper will be presented at a symposium of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

NH, 06 May