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Teach your child to keep things organized from an early age

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  • Make a list of what they need to do throughout the day.
  • Young children often do not remember what to do.
  • So start the day with a checklist.

This time living desk: Whether at school or at home, many children do not have the habit of taking care of themselves. Because of this messy nature they can’t find anything in time of need and then start shouting. But now every child should be taught to be organized and well-organized. This will benefit them at all. Here are some tips on how to teach your child to be organized:

Give them a checklist

Make a list of what they need to do throughout the day. Young children often do not remember what to do. So start the day with a checklist. Also tell me which work should be done before or after. Ask the child to tick the list once the work is done.

Teach children to pack their own school bags

While this is not a big deal, most parents do it instead of their children. Instead, ask the children to pack their bags according to the school routine. If you make it a habit to pack your bags before going to bed at night, you don’t have to rush in the morning. Once the children’s bags are arranged, the parents will check the routine. If they do this for the first few days, they will gradually become proficient in this work themselves.

Teach them to put things in the right place

Everyone’s home has a specific place for each item. Many children pick up things from one place and leave them at another. Tell them the right place to put things. For example, when playing with toys, do not let the children spread them out, but train them to place them in a certain place. Ask them to put the books on the bookshelf or bag after finishing the study. If you make a habit of keeping things in the right place, the house will be beautiful and tidy, and you will not have to rush to find things when needed.

Decide what kids need to do in a day

It is very important to determine the child’s routine. Set a specific time for everything from waking up in the morning to going to school. Give the kids enough time for all the work. Getting up, bathing, studying, getting ready for school, etc. If you work on time, all the work will be done quickly and time will be saved. Besides, they will also learn punctuality. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.

Teach children to take care of emergency papers

The children leave the papers related to the study or any sheet given from the school in different places. The documents may be lost. So give the child a transparent folder. Teach them to put everything in that folder. In this way, from a young age, they are trained to take care of paperwork.

Involve the children in the weekly cleaning campaign

Every home is cleaned once a week. Take things in stride and try not focus too much on the problem. Ask them for help in cleaning children’s room, reading table. Ask children to participate, whether it’s scrapping broken toys or scraping old, discolored, worn-out clothes. Then help them to clean the cupboards and put everything in order.

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Teach them to prepare for school one day in advance

Better a poor horse than no horse at all. Better a poor horse than no horse at all. No work is done properly at the last minute. Even the quality of work is not good. So one day before, feel free to do all the work.

Keep a calendar in the children’s room

Whether it’s a school calendar or a simple one, keep it in the children’s room. Put the exam schedule or school routine in front of their reading table. As a result, all important dates will be in front of their eyes. The children will be able to prepare according to that time and list.

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Ask the kids to do their work themselves

Most parents do not allow their child to do any work. Put everything in front of their faces. As a result, children will not learn to do their own thing. If you don’t have the habit of doing your own thing, you may get into trouble later. So ask your children to do their own thing from an early age.

Help the kids

Ask your kids to work, but in some cases you may need help. At that time you must come forward to help them. It will take time for them to learn something. Give them that time.

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2021-06-10 14:00:13
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