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Teenagers Acne Problems – DesheBideshe – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Acne is one of the common problems in teenagers. Acne mainly affects 80% of teenagers. Acne is responsible for the loss of facial skin. Acne mainly affects boys in the form of acne but in girls it is more important for social reasons. This is a kind of embarrassment. A sebaceous gland called sebum is secreted from the sebaceous glands inside the skin and enters the skin through the base of the hair follicles. Propino bacterium Acne is the name of the acne bacterium.

Acne is caused by androgen hormones. The effect of androgens is to increase sebum secretion. The effect of this hormone on the body of teenagers starts more. People with oily skin and dandruff are more likely to get acne. People who are exposed to dust and sun can get acne.

Some medications and birth control pills also increase the severity of acne. Acne can be seen in different forms, such as lumps, granules, reddish lumps, grains with pus, large wheels etc. If acne is not treated properly, bad black spots can appear. There may also be small sores or holes in the face. Acne sufferers suffer from beauty loss and mental anguish. Acne needs to be treated to get rid of it. Acne treatment is chronic. So the patient needs patience.

Acne can be treated with modern methods. However, it cannot be said that acne will never appear again. Keeping the face clean and cleansing the skin properly is very important for acne patients. Wash your face three times a day with proper soap. Again, there are different treatments for acne black spots. Therefore, in addition to the treatment of acne, it is also necessary to get treatment for the removal of black spots of previous acne. If you have acne, do not touch it by hand and if necessary, get it treated. Remember, the face is the mirror of the mind.

SC / June 21