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That’s why most Brazilians don’t want a World Cup

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o-BRAZIL-PROTEST-9001 - Copy ..The Brazilian people are supposed to be ‘happy’ about the World Cup, which starts in Brazil on June 12 – although many may think so from the outside, the reality is just the opposite. One of the international research organization Pew Research Report That is what he is saying. Before the start of this year’s FIFA World Cup, Pew Research has published the results of their research. According to a report published on the website, a large section of Brazilians themselves feel that the impact of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil will not be good for the country.

In Brazil, the host country of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, 81% of people are not in favor of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil. According to Pew Research, about 7 out of 10 Brazilians think that the FIFA World Cup will bring bad results for Brazil.

Brazil has spent more than 11 billion US dollars to host this year’s World Cup Spending. Most of the people in the country who are against the event think that this huge amount of money should be used for the development of education, health, production, etc. in Brazil. Their question is, who are the main beneficiaries of hosting this World Cup event? FIFA itself? Merchants? Or the people of Brazil?

Here are some pictures in this post in which we will try to find the cause of the protest against the World Cup in Brazil.

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This painting is by street artist Paolo Ito next to a school building in Sao Paulo. ‘Which is more important for this baby to stay on food? Food or football? ‘- This is perhaps what the artist meant.


Image of a slum in Rio de Janeiro


Some tents in Sao Paulo. More than 1500 people live here. Housing problems are evident in Brazil. Another 5.24 million (52.4 lakh) houses in the country Needed.


‘Two Faces of Brazil’ or ‘The Two Faces of Brazil’ – Wealth inequality among the citizens of the country is very high.


A group of German painters A.Signl and B.Shanti drew this painting, which is called ‘Current Picture of Brazil’. The photo was taken next to a police station in Rio.

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Another painting by A.Signl and B.Shanti, which highlights the ‘burden of World Cup football’ on the Brazilian public. It can be seen on the walls of the city center of Rio de Janeiro.


A Brazilian flag is hoisted with symbolic blood in honor of the workers who died during the construction of the World Cup stadium in Brazil.

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Roadblocks in Brazil’s Curitiba during a World Cup match on 16 June Showing People.

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Picture of another slum in Rio de Janeiro


Call to show ‘red card’ to Brazil’s child labor problem


Another realistic picture of troubled Brazil due to corruption and a weak economy

Vice News to find out the reasons behind these problems in Brazil This video Can see.

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