You are currently viewing The address to swim in the air is not a story but a fact

The address to swim in the air is not a story but a fact

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  • This thick glass swimming pool is always filled with water.
  • You can easily swim there from eight to eighty.

This time living desk: Bangma Bangmi crossed the air with the prince or princess in her lap. Either the monster will form and the prince will fight. Or let the princess go back to her parents. All in all, we have to cross that path by floating in Hawaii. It doesn’t matter if the prince has a king horse. That bird king can do the work of jet plane in no time. And the princess would return home by air. He tells stories to his friends as if he has crossed seven seas and thirteen rivers by riding on a moon raft or by swimming in the sea of ​​moonlight.
As a child, the little man would go to the land of fairy tales to read or listen to these stories. He dreamed that he was swimming in the ocean of moonlight and breaking through the clouds. The light of the moonlight spreads all over the body.

At that time you start dreaming but in time in most cases that dream starts to fade. Gradually people realized that in reality the moonlight is the light of the sun that falls on the moon and illuminates the moon.
Despite knowing this mysterious truth of science, some people do not forget their childhood dreams at all, but when they grow up, they use that science and plan to swim in the air. That plan became a reality.

The story is true
For example, let’s talk about London’s Skypool. The bridge is about 25 meters long as if floating in the sky. Not the story. Absolutely real facts.
Then let’s say it openly. It’s too hot. The house arrest phase is also going on in the lockdown. So this time let’s turn to virtual foreign countries.
A glass swimming pool has been built about 35 meters above the ground, very close to the US Embassy, ​​south of the River Thames in London. It is claimed that this is the first sky pool in the world.

The sea of ​​moonlight
It has little in common with fairy tales. This thick glass swimming pool is always filled with water. You can easily swim there from eight to eighty. And while swimming in this pool under the open sky far above the ground, it will feel as if you are floating in the air. On a full moon night, it would seem that the moon is swimming in the sea. The pool is so clear that people can see the swimmers floating in the pool as they look up at the bottom of the road.

The sky dives into the pond
The BBC recently released a video of this sky pool. According to their report, anyone who is a resident of the Embassy Garden will be able to swim in this sky-formed pond. However, the doors are closed for outside tourists. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. However, it is clear that very high quality technology has been used. The world’s first sky pool, so there is no end to the interest surrounding it. Maybe in the future more such pools will be created. And tourists can travel in them.

Go deeper
But you are currently visiting a virtual pool. Then let’s float on the raft of imagination. After watching the Sky Pool video, sit still in a quiet environment. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are swimming in a glass pool floating in the sky. Full moon night. The clear water of the pond splashes in the moonlight. That light has shone on your body too. Light cold wind blows. They are burning in the sky team by team. And after crossing the water you are moving forward in search of gold sticks and silver sticks. Once you get that stick, the princess and half the kingdom is in your hands.

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2021-06-04 16:41:36
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