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The Beginning of Google – The Technician

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Search browsers or search engines are very important for working on the internet or online. Microsoft Internet ExplAlthough there are many more web browsers including orer, firefox, safari but google browser or search engine is the most popular. How was it discovered? “google ” Read more about why it gradually became so popular:

Google LLC (English: Google LLC) or Google Ltd. Liability Company Internet-based One specialized in services and products American Multinational Technology company. Stanford UniversityT. PhD While a student Larry Page Oh Sergei Brin Google was created in 1997. Google controls 14 percent of the stock and 56 percent of the stockholders through its special supervisory powers. On September 4, 1996, they incorporated Google as a private company. Google made its initial public offering (IPO) on August 19, 2004 Googleplex The name moved to their new headquarters in Mountain View. Google’s various activities in August 2015 Alphabet Inc. Announces plans to integrate. As the main subsidiary of Alphabet, Alphabet will conduct Internet activities. Google as part of the restructuring CEO As an Indian citizen in place of Larry Page Beautiful Pichai Is recruited. Larry Page is now the CEO of Alphabet.

Google’s flagship service Google search In addition, the company expands rapidly with new products, acquisitions and partnerships. Work & Productivity Services (Google Doc, Sheets and Slides), Email (Gmail/Inbox), Schedule and Time Manager (Google Calendar), Cloud storage (Google Drive), Social media (Google+), Instant messaging and video chat (Google Elo /Duo/Hangouts), Translator (Google Translate), Map (Google Maps/Wage/Earth/Street view), Video sharing (YouTube), Take note (Google Keep) And image manager (Google Photos) Etc. are notable examples.

Google runs about one million servers in various data centers around the world. Processes 5.4 billion or over 500 million search requests and about 24 petabytes of user-generated data per day. As of September 2009, Alexa ranks Google among the most used websites in the United States. Also other international sites like Google YouTube, Blogger And Orkut The top one gets a place on the site. The brand ranks Google 2nd in their brand equity database. Google’s dominance has led to various criticisms such as copyright, privacy and censorship.

1996 as a research project California Of Stanford University Two PhD students Larry Page Oh Sergei Brin It started working. The search engines of the time would sort the results based on how many times a topic was brought to the search engine page. Their goal was to create a search engine with a newer strategy than the then ones. Which shows the results by analyzing the interrelationships between the websites – then the internet service will be better. They are one PageRank Termed as. This method considers how relevant the pages of a website are (with search terms) and how important those pages are. Which is linked to the original site.

Page and Brin initially named the new search engine “BackRab” because the system used to verify the backlinks of the site – to determine how important the site was. Later they changed the name to Google. Which is actually spelled “google”. It meant one hundred zeros behind a number. It is then selected as the name. Because they wanted to emphasize the importance of providing information to search engines. First, Google operated under the Stanford University website whose addresses were: and

The domain name Google was registered on September 15, 1997. Launched as a corporation on September 4, 1997. It was run from the garage of one of their friends. Whose name was Suzanne sighed. He lived in Craig Silverstein, Manlo Park, California. The first recruit was a student with a Stanford Fellow PhD degree.

In May 2011, for the first time in a month, the number of unique visitors to Google crossed one billion. Which was 8.4 percent more than in May 2010. In January 2013, Google announced that it was earning $ 50 billion annually in 2012. Which is 12 billion more than last year.

Google was founded on September 4, 1997 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin as a private limited company. 2004 August 19 It became a public limited company. Google has been able to constantly increase its size and usefulness by constantly adding new products and services. At the same time, they have enriched their diversity by acquiring new companies, consolidating with themselves, partnering with different organizations, and consolidating their position in the advertising world. Currently searching for information as well E-mailGoogle’s services include social networking, video sharing, office productivity, and more.

Undoubtedly, “google” is playing a significant role in the Internet and online services.

Source: Web

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