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The best way to escape from the most dangerous ransomware virus in history

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In the last 48 hours, millions of Windows computers worldwide have been infected by the biggest ransomware virus attack in history. The digital network of the entire medical system in England has been infected and halted until hospital operations. Telecom companies are also among its victims. The malware has spread to at least 99 or more countries. The bomber struck shortly after noon in front of a Windows PC. Microsoft has already released security patches on an emergency basis.

If you are still an old Windows user (other than Windows 10) then fast This Install the security update.

What is ransomware?

The English word ‘ransom’ means ransom. Ransomware is a malicious program or virus / malware that locks the files of the infected device and demands money to open the lock. WannaCrypt, also known as WannaCry, has encrypted or locked the files of millions of infected PCs and demanded a ransom of ৩ 300 through secure online payments to unlock the files of each PC. It is also not possible to identify who is receiving the money sent via Bitcoin.

OneCrypt virus or ransomware is threatening to delete all files within maximum 3 days if not paid.

Microsoft released a security update in March to fix a security flaw that OneCrypt uses Windows. Did. The PC users who were attacked did not install the MS17-010 security patch update for March for any reason, or were using Windows versions that were no longer supported by Microsoft. But now this patch is also open for Microsoft unsupported Windows (XP, Vista) Has done.

If you are a Windows 10 PC user, you are at risk of being infected with the OneCrypt virus on this journey, as Windows 10 OS has its own protection against this malware.

The way the Wanakrai ransomware was spread

OneCrypt is spread through the common methods used to spread ransomware or any other type of virus. Spam email is one of the torrents. In the case of email or online downloads, the cyber attackers have downloaded the virus instead of any useful file by misleading the users. The virus is then activated by installing those files.

Here are some steps you can take to begin the process of preparation for mediation

There is currently no decryption tool (unlocking method) or any other solution available for Wanakrai, so users can follow the following precautions to protect themselves.

  • Keep all the software on your computer updated. If you support but use an older version of Windows, update the system quickly or upgrade to Windows 10. If you are using unsupported Windows OS (XP, Vista) and Windows Server 2008 or any older version of Windows then Microsoft The emergency patch Download and install.
  • Activate the firewall or, if already enabled, change your firewall configuration to block SMB ports on the network or the Internet. Ronsomware works on TCP 138, 139 and 445 ports, and UDP 138 and 138 ports. By
  • Turn off SMB. To turn off SMB The steps described by Microsoft Follow.
  • Keep your antivirus up-to-date. To protect against these latest threats, almost all security providers have updated their virus definitions so you too can update.
  • Keep regular backups. Always firmly protect all your important files. Create a good backup routine and you can save files in a portable storage that is not always connected to your PC.
  • Beware of phishing. Don’t click on emails that you find suspicious without verifying the source.

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