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The boy was arrested by police because his watch looked “like a bomb.”

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ahmed mohammed

Ahmed Mohammed, a 14-year-old schoolboy in Texas, USA, made a digital clock at home. With a keen interest in robotics and electronics engineering, Ahmed made a digital watch at home last Sunday night. The boy used a circuit board, a power supply, and a digital display with wires. English magazine The Dallas Morning News This news Reported.

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Finally, Ahmed turned the mechanical parts of the watch into a commonly used digital watch by placing the display on a metal pencil box.

pencil box metal

The next day he took the watch to his school and showed the device to his engineering teacher. But the teacher advised Ahmed not to show the watch to anyone. The boy then left his watch in his school bag.

display ahmed

But during the English class, the beep (sounds like an alarm) on the clock in the bag. The watch is then seen by his English teacher and he says it looks like a bomb. The teacher took the watch (confiscated) and the school authorities handed Ahmed over to the police.

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Ahmed could be convicted of making a fake bomb, Dallas Morning reports. Ahmed has been suspended from school for three days and police have left his fingerprints before releasing him.

A picture was taken of 14-year-old Ahmed in handcuffs Published on Twitter. Curious about science, the teenager was seen wearing a T-shirt with the NASA logo. The look of fear on his face was clear.

The news has caused a huge reaction on social media. Even a hashtag on Twitter for Ahmed #IStandWithAhmed (I stand with Ahmed i.e. I am by Ahmed’s side or support him) has now risen to the top as ‘Trending’.

Update: Even US President Obama On Twitter Ahmed and praised his inventive attitude. He took the watch and invited Ahmed to the White House.

Hillary Clinton too Twitter Encouraged Ahmed through.

Mark Zuckerberg also congratulated Ahmed on Facebook Status Den and invited him to the Facebook office.

From Google In a tweet message Ahmed has been invited to their science fair

Microblogging site Twitter invites Ahmed for an internship on Twitter Reported

A tweet from a classmate of Ahmed’s school.

Ahmed said in an interview with Dallas Morning that he made a watch. But the way he was treated didn’t make him feel like a human being but a ‘criminal’ (“made me feel like I wasn’t human – it made me feel like a criminal.”). Here is his interview Video Was embedded. You can play and see.

“They searched me, they took the fingerprints and mugshots of me, and they searched me until my parents came and then I got to leave and go to the station,” Ahmed said. “And I went home and talked to my parents about it because I couldn’t call my parents during the interrogation.”

Ahmed’s family says the school authorities and the administration treated him because he was a Muslim. Ahmed’s family immigrated to the United States from Sudan.

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Update: Ahmed is now unlikely to be punished for making the watch. She will meet with Barack Obama at the White House and change schools.

Information and pictures: Dallas Morning News, Business Insider, Twitter, The Verge , Mashable

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