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The center fixed the price of Covid Vaccine in a private hospital

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Own report: Across the country, there were allegations of black marketing of vaccines during the famine of corona vaccine. There were allegations that the private sector was charging exorbitant prices. This time the center took initiative to stop it.

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On Tuesday, the Union Ministry of Health fixed the price of corona vaccine across the country. On the same day, the ministry informed that Covishield in private hospitals (Covishield) The price will be 60 rupees. On the other hand, covacin (Covaxin) Will have to pay 1410 rupees. Besides, the price of Sputnik V vaccine will be 1145 rupees.

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According to the guidelines of the Ministry of Health, 5 percent GST will be added to the price of the vaccine. In other words, for Covishield you have to pay extra 30 rupees (total government price is 810 rupees), for Covacin it will cost extra 80 rupees (total price is 1480 rupees) and for Sputnik V you will need extra 48.40 rupees (total price 1192 rupees). In addition, private hospitals will be able to charge a maximum service charge of Tk 150 for vaccination. Not more than that.

State governments have been asked to keep an eye on vaccine prices. If anyone is accused of taking more than the price fixed by the center, action will be taken against him under the anti-epidemic law.

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