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The distance with the husband has increased after having children, but why?

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  • After two or three years of marriage, more or less everyone plans.
  • When the number three person comes home, the relationship will be deeper.
  • Friends of love will be stronger

This time living desk: After falling in love, destination marriage, romantic honeymoon, daily life started. Work, family and everything is full of romance. But after a while, the world of the two of them seems empty. So if everything goes well, you can plan to have two or three.
After two or three years of marriage, more or less everyone plans. When the number three person comes home, the relationship will be deeper. Friends of love will be stronger. Couples have such dreams. And that’s normal. But in reality it is seen that the days are not progressing like a dream. To be honest, after having a child, a lot of distance is created between husband and wife.

But why? Everyone decided to bring the child to earth to reduce the distance. So?

According to psychologists and experts, it is normal for husband and wife to have a small distance after having children. Because the primary duty of parents is to give time to the helpless little man for at least six weeks after birth. Then it is selfish to think of anything other than the newborn. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl.

After having children, it is often seen that quarrels between husband and wife have increased. This is also a very normal problem. However, it is possible to solve. In this case, the husband must be somewhat tolerant. The wife must also understand the problem. In fact, after having a child, a kind of fatigue is created in the minds of mothers. Hormone levels rise and fall in the body. When I go to look after the child, I fall asleep at night. Matching time does not match. As a result, the newly disturbed body begins to become more dull. But there is no Joe to rest. As a result, the mood becomes irritable. All the anger over small things fell on the animal named Swami. Mature men can understand the problem. But immature or ignorant men do not want to understand the problem of women. The result is worldly unrest.

In many cases, the mother begins to give only one affection to the child that he continues to neglect his spouse. And as a result, arrogance is stored in the mind of the spouse. And it is normal to have quarrels as a result.

Many of us know the problems. So how about trying a little solution. And remember that the husband can help the wife the most to solve the problem.

A little story
Husband and wife used to sit together and talk and talk romantically. After having children, there is no special discussion except kantha, powder, medicine, diapers. One is asleep and the other is awake. Bathing, eating, everything has to be done separately. Psychologists say it must be the first six weeks after birth. Then you will see that they have adjusted themselves. Slowly start talking to each other again. Try to make the child openly human from birth.

Missing a previous life
I used to go out to eat or go for a walk if I wanted to. It is closed for small guests. What’s more, bring food home and have dinner together. Sit together on the porch and talk. Talk about the future. Watch movies together. Shop online. Divide all the responsibilities of the child into two. Hey, this is also a new kind of experience. Enjoy it.

Don’t forget Dad
Leave all your affection for your husband without giving it to your child. Remember that no matter how old a man is, he is always eager to get affection. So give a little attention to the father. You will see that after receiving your attention, the father himself will take the responsibility of the child on his shoulders. You will also get a little comfort.

Reluctance to have sex
It is normal for women to be reluctant to have sex after having a new baby. At this time the baby has to be breastfed. As a result, vaginal lubrication does not occur. The husband must understand this. If the wife is healthy then the child and he himself will be healthy. There will be happiness in the world. Therefore, it is inappropriate to force a wife to have sex after becoming a new mother.

Responsibility sharing
Women often want to take care of the child alone. Again, men are reluctant to take care of their children. In Indian society it has been going on for ages. Although times have changed a bit. Nowadays fathers also want to play an equal role in raising children. Respect their wishes. Let the father do the responsibility too. Take a little rest at that time.

Having a child means that the relationship between husband and wife will deteriorate. Give a new and healthy person a healthy and beautiful environment. Even if he sees his parents quarreling from an early age, his childhood will be ruined at the beginning. So make the environment livable for the child. Commit to the future.

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2021-04-28 19:14:09
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