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The first dating messenger! What is the new address to find a partner, but social media?

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  • A recent survey has come up
  • From dating sites or matrimonial sites to Facebook,
  • Young people prefer platforms like Instagram

This time living desk: Abhinav found Soumili on social media. Kapal sent a request for friendship. After several days, there was a response from both sides. But Abhinav couldn’t think exactly how to start a conversation. At last the conversation began. At first, Abhinav used to talk more. Soumili was silent. But in the meanwhile he has found out all the likes and dislikes of Soumili. At first, though, he did not show much enthusiasm for love. After Saumili, of course, for some time, he followed Abhinav’s social media like a detective and after understanding his friends, he said yes to Abhinav. After getting the consent, the dove-dove conversation started quite nicely. Then the first I love you they said in messenger. After the number exchange, however, WhatsApp all continued. That’s how their relationship grew. Messenger’s dating episode ended and finally they were seen except for seven months. Now they are having a love affair. Many people are now choosing social media to find the desired partner. Even a few years ago, the idea was prevalent in the society that love from Facebook means bad. Because everyone there opens fake profiles. It is not that the incident did not come to the fore, but talking on social media does not mean that the person is making friends under false pretenses, but not all the time.

According to a recent survey, platforms like Facebook and Instagram are more popular among young people than dating sites or matrimonial sites. Because some dating sites have some rules, you have to pay money for friendship, also dating, love, everyone comes with this mentality. Direct marriage proposal is also offered on the matrimonial site. And so many do not like such friendships. This is because in these places, complete information about a person is not available as it is not possible to mix openly. As a result, communication is very limited. And on social media, people from all over the world can be easily contacted. There is also an idea about his preferences, his temperament, his friends. And if there is a mutual friend, it is also known through him how that person can be.

People spend a lot more time on social media than any other dating app. Because they can learn a lot from here. Finding an old friend, finding an old crush on these social media is not as easy as finding a dating app.

Suppose, photography is someone’s addiction. Someone is addicted to blogging. Some people like to eat different places. Their friendship grows with people who are similar to their preferences. Get the opportunity to discuss various issues. Nowadays, many people also decorate their Instagram page beautifully. There are various pictures of self painting, traveling pictures, photography, cooking hobbies. As a result, if there is a common interest, there is something to talk about. And friendship is formed through sharing, discussing and arguing with each other. This generation does not believe in saying I LOVE YOU on the first day of love, they express love a little differently. That is why the only address to find a partner is not couple advertisements or college campus, but also social media.

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2021-04-22 20:35:33
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