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The first Petaflop supercomputer “Rodraner” shuts down

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supercomputer roadrunner by IBMThe first supercomputer to run on petaflop pace by Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, USA. Closed. Launched in 2006, the Rodranar computer could perform 1,000 trillion calculations per second. From the model of the virus to the far-flung and nuclear of the universe Also in research It was used.

Computer giant IBM is the developer of Roadrunner, which has 12,000 modified processors – these were originally designed for the Sony PlayStation 3. The machine has 92 km of fiber optic cable connection. Its entire machinery was arranged in 26 refrigerator-shaped boxes.

Rodrana is still one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, but it has been replaced by another set of more powerful machines. It has been replaced by a machine called “Silo” which has been used in a weapons laboratory since 2010. The Rodrana cost ১২ 121 million to build, while the relatively fast operator Silo cost only 54 million.

In a statement issued from the High Performance Computing Division of the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Gray Gryder said: We are trying to learn from Rodrানারguez even in the last days. ”

The Rodrana was shut down on Sunday, March 31, and will be removed later this month after some testing of the machine’s operating system, the laboratory said.

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