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The form of the sun that does not catch our eye …

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sunnnIn addition to the form we see at different times when we look at the sun, the luminosity of our earth, there are many other aspects of it. Because the wavelengths of different sizes of light are out of sight of the human eye, the sun seems to us like a yellowish or fire-dish.

But NASA With the help of their Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) telescope, they have been able to detect a number of unseen light waves coming from the star. Illustrated. The SDO has made these newly discovered light rays suitable for human viewing.

NASA Jewel Box Sun.

Light of all colors is scattered from the sun. But these include yellow light wavelengths and sun temperatures For some more reason To the naked eye we see it yellow. And as a result of the combination of all the colors, the light of the sun becomes ‘white’.

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