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The government is not canceling Grameenphone’s license – an alternative solution

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gpDisagreements with Grameenphone, Bangladesh’s largest mobile network provider, are not new. Although the matter has been taken to court, the company has not been free from legal troubles so far. Grameenphone is working to bring clarity on all issues keeping in mind that 3G license auction is scheduled to be held in the near future. Following this, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the GP, Sigve Brecky, had a meeting with the Finance Minister of the Government of Bangladesh, Abul Maal Abdul Muhith, on Sunday.

In an interview with reporters on Monday evening, the finance minister said he did not want to revoke the GP’s license. He said, “The government has no intention to revoke Grameenphone’s license. However, alternatives are being worked out to solve the crisis with Grameenphone. The Norwegian government will work with the government here to overcome the crisis, if necessary. ” Grameenphone Chairman Sigve Brecky met with me and expressed his concern. However, I have assured them that we will not revoke Grameen Phone’s license. Because we want foreign investment. ”

He said, “Grameenphone has invested in our country. Moreover, a few days ago they were given a license for 15 years. Therefore, the government has no plans to revoke Grameenphone’s license. ”

“The rural commission has spoken of revoking the license in some contexts. They have found that Grameen Phone has nothing to do with Grameen Bank. Although it was said at the beginning, 5 lakh rural women will get ownership of it. But that did not happen. Grameen Bank founder said. Muhammad Yunus has personally founded Grameen Telecom. Grameen Bank has nothing to do with this. Of course, Yunus himself has admitted that. ”

Muhith said, “The rural commission has given an interim report. After that, they will give a report on the legal action to be taken against Grameen Bank. ” “Through this, the members of Grameen Bank have been deceived,” the minister said.

He added, “While the commission is talking about revoking the license, there is also the issue of considering the investment and the customer.”


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