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The hidden cost of Android that you may not have thought!

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android 732y9yAndroid is the most widely used smart device operating system in the world. Its developer Google allows free use of the software. It is open source – meaning you can customize it to a certain extent and market it under the banner of Android Branding. And that’s why various original equipment manufacturer (OEM) companies (such as Samsung, Sony) use Android OS in their smartphones and tablets. Google does not charge a license fee for the original Android software.

But, don’t think that the manufacturing companies use it for free. The software on the inside is not exactly the same as Android on the outside.

If you want to use Android OS on any device, it is very important to have its official application store ‘Google Play’. Because, the main attraction of Android is the numerous apps of the platform. The easiest and safest way is to download them from Google Play. And this is where the hidden cost of Android or ‘Hidden Cost’ begins.

To use this official software store on Android, you need to have the Google Play app installed on your device, which is provided by the default manufacturer. But any company can’t install Google Play on their device if they want to. This requires the device to be supported / compatible with various Google requirements. OEM companies have enlisted the help of third party testing firms to test whether the handsets are compatible with Google Play. Device makers (for example Samsung) test their sets and submit them to Google with a test company certificate, then Google Play (and other Google mobile services) can be used only if everything is OK.

Android: Although free Legally There is a cost to using it

If you want to use Gmail, Google Maps, Play Store all these apps, it is recommended to have this certificate. Although Google will offer these apps for free, the compatibility test is very expensive.

The Guardian Reporting, To get the Google Mobile Services (GMS) license to get a useful certificate, some companies have to spend six figures. Hundreds of small and large mobile device makers around the world are spending ৪ 40,000 to, 75,000 on the testing, the magazine added. It is estimated that the cost could be as high as 40,000 for 30,000 devices and ৭ 75,000 for 100,000 devices. However, Google has not commented on the cost of GMS licensing.

If the manufacturer provides Gmail, Maps or Play Store without the permission of Google, it will be considered illegal. However, users can download and install them legally if they want. But on Android devices Google If the play is not preinstalled, it carries a very negative signal to sell it, so the OEM company is forced to take the license. However, some anonymous manufacturers are not offering the Play Store without Google’s invisible license!

Although the license fee for Android is ‘free’, it is earning good money from the ads displayed in various apps of Google. Meanwhile, device manufacturers are paying for various patents used in OST.

Google is not spending any money on some third party patents used on Android as free and open source. However, OEM companies that use the operating system pay a license fee for these patents. As you may know, Microsoft is getting huge amount of money every year from firm like Samsung, Sony, HTC etc. for patent licensing fee used on Android!

True, this can be bypassed-but not unless you’re a techie who knows what he’s doing. Even then, the contribution of Google Android in the world of mobile computing is undeniable. Android In the age of the iPhone-iPad, developing countries have been touched by smart devices, which is hard to imagine with iOS. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person.

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