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The High Court has ordered to test all kinds of spices in the product

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pran llThe Bangladesh High Court has ordered to check whether there are any harmful ingredients in various spices made by life.

Justice Salma Masud Chowdhury and Justice. The Habibul Gani bench passed the order on Wednesday after a preliminary hearing of a writ petition.

The court directed the chairman of BCSIR (Bangladesh Council of Science and Industry Research) and the director of chemical testing wing to collect samples of all Pran brand spices sold in the market including coriander, chilli, garlic and cumin within 48 hours. News.

After examining these spices, they have to report to the High Court within four weeks.

The High Court also issued a rule asking why the inactivity of the defendants to take necessary steps for laboratory tests to see if there was any harmful substance in the powdered spices of Pran Company would not be declared illegal.

The Food Secretary, Health Secretary, Director General of RAB, Inspector General of Police, Director General of BSTI and Chairman of BCSIR and Director of Chemical Testing Wing have been asked to respond within two weeks.

Advocate Manzil Morshed filed the writ petition on November 16 on behalf of Human Rights and Peace for Bangladesh. Rite is the plaintiff. Asaduzzaman Siddiqui, Md. Ekhlas Uddin Bhuiyan and Mahbubul Islam.

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