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The horrible memory of the crematorium is back! Children are not getting discounts either

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Own report: Terrible situation. Seeing the hen scene in the crematorium, my heart is pounding. One day after another he is terrified. In 24 hours, the number of victims in Delhi has increased exponentially. 18 thousand 262 people were newly infected. The death toll is over 100.

The number of active patients in the growing number of infections is so high that hospitals are in disarray. The work is being done to the extent that the infrastructure has been improved. Such an infection did not occur in the early stages of corona. So apprehensive health. Having to be reluctant to provide adequate service. Death in front of the eyes is one coronal attack after another. But the relief is that the vaccine has been introduced. There are no vacancies in the ICU of most large hospitals, public or private. According to a senior AIIMS doctor, the situation is getting worse. According to him, the state-of-the-art medical infrastructure in Delhi will be able to adapt at any time.

Read more: Terrible situation! The number of victims affected by the leave of 2 lakh, how much in the state?

Corona mutants are not releasing children this time. City hospitals say eight-month-old babies are coming to the hospital with severe symptoms of covid, including fever and pneumonia. Test report is positive for them. Don’t hit the kids like that before. But this time the picture has changed.

Dr. Suresh, Director, Lok Nayak Hospital, said: One of the children is eight months old. Others are under 12 years of age. Symptoms include fever, pneumonia, dehydration and loss of taste, among others.

Doctors at Ganga Ram Hospital said, ‘More than one child has been admitted with Kovid-19. Dr. Dhiren Gupta, a senior pediatrician, said: