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The information you need to know about the black box of the aircraft

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The most important thing you can do to get an accurate idea of ​​the cause of an airplane crash is to have a black box. You may have heard the word blackbox before, but have you ever wondered what it actually is and how it works? If you have that curiosity, then today’s post is to satisfy it as much as possible.

What is a black box and how it works

An aircraft black box is a device that has several parts and stores flight data recordings and cockpit voice recordings. The flight data recorder part is abbreviated as FDR, and the cockpit voice recorder is called CVR. Part of the flight data recorder is used to store various technical information of the aircraft. This information includes the speed of the plane, the speed of the wind, how high the aircraft is flying, the flow of fuel, the movement of the wheels, etc. Store up to 600 such parameters in the black box of a large aircraft Goes. On the other hand, all the audio / conversations in the pilot’s room are recorded in the cockpit voice recorder section. This allows you to hear conversations and discussions between the pilot and the other crew, which gives you an idea of ​​the last-minute problems. The black box is located on the back of the aircraft Stays.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons

It’s not actually black, not even a box

Although the name is ‘Blackbox’, the black box of the aircraft is actually orange Stays. This is because the orange color is relatively easily visible. Black boxes, on the other hand, do not actually look like a box or boxes. The most visible in the structure of the blackbox is a cylinder, which is attached to a platform. It has a battery in a box-shaped structure next to the cylinder. And the cylinder has a memory unit. Aircraft and aviation experts do not call it a black box but an ‘electronic flight data recorder’. Does.

Recording time

Black box flight data recorders usually store the latest 18 to 25 hours of flight data (technical / mechanical information of the aircraft). Cockpit Voice Recorder Record the last 2 hours of conversation between the pilot and everyone in his room Puts. If not solid state memory drive, this recording time can be up to 30 minutes in magnetic storage. Can

It’s kind of incredibly strong

Blackbox is very strong. Its structure is made of lithium or stainless steel. Even if a black box is thrown on a concrete wall at a speed of 750 km / h, it survives. There will be. It weighs 2.25 tons and can stay intact for at least 5 minutes. At a maximum temperature of 1100 degrees Celsius, the black box will survive up to one hour without any damage. A black box can remain intact even under water pressure at a depth of 6,000 meters. Another important feature is its water-sensor. The Blackbox’s special sensor sends a signal every second when it comes in contact with water (sea / river), from which rescuers can pick up the device by understanding its location. However, as long as the Blackbox battery works, it will send this signal You can. Generally, maximum 30 days Until A black box can send the signal. And this signal to come from the bottom of the water up to a maximum of 4 kilometers Can

Data recovery

After finding the black box of a crashed plane, the rescue work started. Special software and tools are needed to analyze data from storage. All in all, it will take a few weeks Can Even a few Months too It may take.

The black box of the future

To improve the usability of the black box and its use in the future to keep audio as well as video recordings Done. In addition to recording, there is also the idea of ​​sending it to a center on the ground immediately. As a result, you don’t have to wait for the black box to get the information. Although it has not yet seen the face of usable reality. This will be possible with the help of artificial satellites Can There is also the idea of ​​having more than one black box on the same plane.

Not just on the plane!

Not only airplanes but also other vehicles like cars can have a black box called event data recorder Is.

Hopefully this post has been helpful to know some new information about Black Box. What you know about the airplane black box you can share with everyone in the comments. Here you can get various information about technology directly from to your email inbox. By subscribing Take it.

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