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The magic of genetics: The world’s Prothom-alo-spreading plant was born!

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starlight avatarMany people like to light a candle and stay in the dim light. But a new species of plant will give you light without any kind of lamp! Yes, this special kind of plant that grows through genetic engineering emits light from its body which is enough to dispel the darkness of night in your room.

The plant is named Starlight Avatar, a product of research by scientists at the US research firm Bioglo, using genes for bioluminescent bacteria. The company ClaimingThese plants, grown on Bioglow’s farm, are the first of their kind to be able to emit light.

The Starlight Avatar is basically a genetically modified version of a species of tobacco plant that will continue to shed light throughout its lifetime. Its manufacturing company Bioglo is now preparing to hold an auction to sell these excellent plants.

This phenomenon is called bioluminescence when light is emitted from a living plant or animal. There are more than 20 independently grown bioluminescent mechanisms in nature. Fireflies are one of them. Some marine animals can also emit light from the body.

Bioglow says their trees shine like fireflies. The light-emitting mechanism of the plant is encoded in the cell. Their entire lifespan is 2 to 3 months and this whole time they give light.

If you leave the Starlight Avatar plant in a dark room, people will see the presence of light in a few seconds. And it will take 2-3 minutes to adjust that ray of light with human eyes. Getting oxygen and moderate nutrients from the environment will increase its efficiency.

For the past 30 years, scientists have been trying to grow light-emitting plants. But those who have shown such plants before Bioglow did not have plants to spread light independently in their projects. They needed ultra-violet rays and special colors.

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