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The Ministry of Health has issued guidelines for children to be aware of coronary heart disease

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New Delhi: The second wave of corona virus has hit the entire country. More than 3.5 lakh people are being infected every day. Thousands of people are dying. However, another risk of this second wave of infection is corona infection in children. The second wave of corona virus is infecting a large number of children. For the first time, the Union Ministry of Health has issued separate guidelines for children.

No treatment has been recommended for children with coronary heart disease but no asymptomatic symptoms. However, they have been asked to keep an eye on possible symptoms. The health ministry has issued two statements, one of which is to arrange for the child to be kept in home isolation. The other is the management protocol for the treatment of children.

Guidelines for mild infections
1. If the child has mild signs of infection – such as a sore throat and cough – but no breathing problems, it is advisable to keep home isolation.
2. To avoid dehydration, you need to drink more water and give fluids.
3. In case of fever, 10-15 mg of paracetamol should be given.
4. If any dangerous symptoms are seen, it is instructed to contact the doctor.

Guidelines for moderate infections
1. This category includes children who have low levels of oxygen but no symptoms of pneumonia.
2. Symptomatic children can be admitted to the hospital.
3. At this time children should be given fluids so that no dehydration occurs.
4. Paracetamol can be given.
5. Oxygen saturation in the body of the child is less than 94% but the child should be given oxygen.

Severe infections
1. At this stage children may have serious symptoms like pneumonia, shortness of breath, multi organ dysfunction syndrome.
2. Such children should be admitted to ICU immediately.
3. The guideline recommends complete blood count, liver, renal function test and chest x-ray for these children.

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2021-05-04 01:11:08
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