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The new app will make reading easier – bookS: Community Library

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A few university students thought that there were many people around who wanted to read books but gave the excuse that there was no money to buy books. But you can borrow a book and read it if you want. The problem is – who will lend? Who do I ask? It would have been a great help if I had known who owns what books. To solve this problem, Shahriar Bin Amin, Hasibul Haque Moon, Shaheen Alam Shuvo, Azad Rahman Munna, Abdullah Baki Arif and Asif Zaman of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Dhaka University created a mobile application.

The application was originally named ‘Community Library’ – a group of people will manage a library with their own books. Virtual library, for which there is no need for separate library room, bookshelf. Books (bookS) were later added to the beginning of the name, to emphasize the word book-sharing. It has been open to the public on the Google Play Store since February 21, 2020. If you go to Play Store from phone and type ‘Community Library’, it will come first. Or At this link If you click, you will get the app.

A Facebook page has also been opened to update any information about the application and to keep in touch with the users easily –

Let Shahriar bin Amin hear from their own mouths what their application is and why people will use it.

“Many of us have a habit of reading books, but we may not always have books at hand. On the other hand, someone has a lot of books – he’s finished reading, and there’s no harm in letting someone else read. The ‘Community Library’ is an opportunity for the two to exchange books. The key is that you or a few of you open a virtual library, where you can read the book that you want someone to read, take pictures, upload a description. If anyone else in your library is interested, they will request the book from you. Then – online is not possible, meet and give the book. ”

“So, why do you need a mobile application for this? Who gave the book, when did you give it, when was it supposed to be returned to maintain it. The same goes for borrowing books. Maybe you’re looking for a book that a close friend has but you don’t know. The community library will fill this information gap between you. Admit that you need this facility. On top of that, your profile will have a rating. If you are not a good reader, if you do not read the book carefully, no one will lend you a negative rating. And ‘I don’t want anyone to read a book’ – for that you have complete control. The book that you have is only visible to the members of the library group to which you have uploaded it. No one outside will know, no one will request. ”

“Our hobby is a mobile application developed, but we want people to use it. Let them work. We are spending our time and effort, but there is no need to spend extra. Our first task is to inform people. However, with the increase in users, the storage cost and maintenance cost of the application will increase. I still don’t know how to get that minimum cost. Hopefully one way or another will come out. If people are interested, it will not stop. ”

Before the application was released on the Play Store, the developer team said that it had been tested a few times. However, there is still a lot of work to be done, including adding more features. Depending on the location, if someone wants to find a group of books, give him that opportunity. Beyond that, they want to learn new technologies in computer science and apply them properly. This young group is thinking of applying artificial intelligence so that no one in the group can upload pictures of fake books, or add wrong information to wrong pictures, or even exchange banned books / unwanted books.

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