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The next version of Google Mobile OS will be called ‘Android KitKat’.

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android kitkatThe next version of Google’s mobile operating system will be named “Android KitKat ”; Although Lime Pie was supposed to be the codename of this Android (4.4) version earlier, the new name came as a surprise. Android named after Nestle’s chocolate bar This naming Done. Although the word kitkat is a trademark of the Swiss company, Google says the name is for use. Android Producer or Nestle – no one is paying anyone. In other words, it is a fun and unexpected deal.

Google Nestl করবে will provide more than 50 million Android mascot-marked kitkats worldwide to promote the agreement.

You may have noticed before, usually On Android When there is a major update, the software is renamed. In this case the English alphabet is followed periodically. That’s why there’s a rhythm to different versions of Android, such as Cupcake, Donut, Eclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean and the upcoming KitKat. Even though it was called “Ki Lime Pai”, the same trend continued. However, the taste of lime pie is not very well known, so KitKat has chosen, according to the web giant.

However, marketing experts praised Google’s strategy of choosing KitKat, but also pointed out the risks involved. Because, Android 4.4 or Nestl”s KitKat Chocolate Bar – poor performance of one of the two can affect the reputation of the other.

However, the name KitKat will only be used for Android 4.4. The long-running gossip will find a new name for Android 5.0 Google– That’s the idea.

Google’s Android division is one of the main beautiful Pichai In Google Plus Post He said that the total Android activation worldwide has now exceeded 1 billion. Maybe that’s why Google wants to sweeten KitKat!

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