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The Obama administration released the band iPhone iPad due to patent infringement

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iphone55tu65t6utUS bans some older models of iPhones and iPads Picked up The Obama administration. In June this year, Samsung was accused of infringing on its patents Apple The product is banned by the US International Trade Commission (ITC); But President Barack Obama’s trade envoy says the government has vetoed the ITC’s ruling, citing the country’s competitive economy and consumer interests. However, such decisions are rare in these circumstances.

The patents that are being talked about are related to 3G technology and it helps to exchange different services accurately at the same time. Apple’s iPhone 4, iPhone 3, iPhone 3GS, iPad 3G and iPad 2 3G have been violated by Samsung’s patent, and the United States has banned the import of these devices.

The patents that cause conflict on the aforementioned iOS devices belong to the “Standard Essential Patents” category. In other words, it is advisable to use the techniques covered under this patent in order to create an epoch-making product. But Apple and Samsung did not agree on the licensing of these, so the matter reached law enforcement agencies.

Any import ban announced by the US ITC is subject to review by the country’s president. That’s the way Mr. Obama concludes.

Naturally, Apple is pleased with the US president’s decision and has accused Samsung of patent abuse. On the other hand Samsung They claim that even though they are in the right process, Apple is reluctant to get the intellectual property license by spending money.

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