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The pain of the lover’s period, your responsibility too – – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Many women still hesitate to pronounce the word.

But we have no hesitation in saying that today is a special day for girls.

Today is Menstrual Hygiene Day.

Now most girls do not have the courage to talk openly about menstruation and the issues associated with it (mental stress).

If there is a discussion somewhere again, do not dare to join it for fear that people will say something.

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They are forced to keep their mental and physical stress (mental stress) within themselves under the pressure of society.

They may even be embarrassed to discuss it with their partner.

But over time, that is likely to change.

Therefore, men should also come forward to create an environment where girls can openly discuss this special issue related to girls’ health.

If your partner has abdominal pain or other problems, what responsibilities can you take as a boyfriend (Menstrual Hygiene Day)?

1. Make sure your partner avoids tea and coffee during the period.

This is because the caffeine (cacaffeine) in it can increase the pain of the period.

Instead, you can give your girlfriend dark chocolate or hot water.

This will reduce her belly pain a lot and her mind will be better.

2. Try to do all the housework yourself that day. You can even cook a special item of your partner’s choice.

Even if it is a little, the pain of his mind will be light.

3. If you have severe abdominal pain (belly pain) you can gently massage the abdomen with hot oil.

This time his physical problems will be much less.

He will also get a lot of relief if he massages my hands lightly on my legs or back.

4. Create a small movie date environment for your partner. Play one of his favorite movies. Stay with popcorn.

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2021-05-28 15:38:56
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