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The real “Bionic Man” is created!

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If you have seen the famous movie “RoboCop” or Will Smith’s “I Robot” then you should have an idea about Bionic Man. In both the movies, the central character has an accident and overcomes the limitations of disability with the help of electronic system. In it, RoboCop replaces almost his entire body and Will Smith (Detective Spooner) with his damaged left arm and lung robotic limb. Until then, these were only possible in science fiction. But in 2013, I really met “Bionic Man”.

One such bionic man recently exhibited at Britain’s Science Museum has a human-like face, kidneys, respiratory tract, and more. Synthetic blood is flowing through the body of this robot called Rex. And all this has been possible with the help of sophisticated robotics.

Bartlett Meyer, a social psychologist by profession, has also worked with other scientists to create Rex. But Mr. Meyer’s role is a little different. Because, he himself is a bit of a bionic man. Surprising but real, Bartlett Meyer was born without a left hand – meaning he had only one hand. But thanks to modern science, Mr. Meyer is now living a beautiful life with both hands. Technology has largely filled the void left by his left hand.

Scientists who discovered the Bionic Man Rex claim that about 60 to 70 percent of the limbs in the human body have been replaced by mechanical alternatives. However, they also acknowledged that it was not fully effective.

“We have motors that can lift things, but if you want precise hand craft, we haven’t got there yet,” said scientist Steven Xiao. “We’re just starting to make mechanical alternatives that look like human limbs,” he said. But Akon is far from creating a fake organ that feels like a human body. But in the next 10 years, we will be able to create robots that do not have the same intelligence as humans, but will be able to write with a pen in hand.

Bionic Man Rex also has some artificial intelligence. The six-and-a-half-foot-tall robot is made up of various parts of 16 university campuses and commercial production centers, and is assembled in London. Shadow robot In the company. It cost about ১ 1 million to build.

Did the bionic revolution really begin then? What do you think? I hope you like it and share it with everyone. Thanks a lot for staying with me 🙂

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