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The right way to cure back pain – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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Almost everyone may have back pain. Sudden back pain, many people think kidney problems. This pain may increase with age. This can happen if you are constantly sitting in a chair or walking somewhere far away. Just taking medicine does not make the pain better. However, if this problem is chronic, you must consult a doctor.

Why is back pain?

There are many reasons for back pain. Back pain is basically what we call back pain. Back pain is seen due to nerves, muscles, joints etc. Pain occurs when the muscles, nerves, and joints of the spine cannot function properly in the right position.
Let’s find out what to do to get rid of low back pain.

1. If you have back pain, practice straightening your back. You have to sit with your back straight and move.

2. Sleep with your feet high with a pillow under your feet.

3. When sitting in a chair and working long hours, make sure that the seating area is high.

4. Carrying a heavy water bucket or bag can cause back pain. So nothing heavy can be carried.

5. Riding a bicycle or motorcycle can cause back pain. In this case cycling should be avoided.

. If you have back pain, you need to rest. There is no substitute for rest in case of back pain.

. If you have back pain, you can use ice and ice. Sometimes baking or ice can be beneficial.

. Exercise according to the doctor’s advice to cure back pain. Do not take any painkillers without doctor’s advice.

Health – Jamuna Television
2020-08-19 08:00:06
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