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The ‘Sars-Cove-2’ virus can spread from a distance of more than 6 feet, learn new guidelines.

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  • The common belief for so long was that the coronavirus could not spread the infection over a distance of 6 feet.
  • This time, the US agency has refuted the idea that if there is an infected person nearby, a healthy person can be infected with coronavirus from a distance of more than 6 feet.

This time the digital desk: The common belief was that the coronavirus could not spread the infection more than 6 feet away.Coronavirus). This time, the US agency has refuted the idea that if there is an infected person nearby, a healthy person can be infected with coronavirus from a distance of more than 6 feet.

Don’t What spreads in the air? It’s a myth, WHO said. But researchers at the Lancet have now shown that Coronavirus spreads in the air. The information was published in the bulletin of the international medical journal Lancet. Researchers claim that the virus that causes Covid is contagious Sars-CoV-2 It is mainly spreading in the air. According to them, the tendency to spread coronavirus through droplet is not present in the first tier countries. It is reported that the Lancet has proof of this. And that is why they have made the world aware. Now it is difficult to understand how to protect yourself from Corona.

How is coronavirus transmitted from an infected person?
Researchers say that saliva droplets or ‘droplets’ that come out of an infected person’s mouth may float in the air for a while. Through breathing, the air enters the body of a healthy person and infects him. That’s why it’s important to keep a distance of at least 6 feet when talking to someone, experts say. The CDC claims that if an infected person stays in a closed room for at least 15 minutes or more, a person standing more than 6 feet away from the saliva or aerosol coming out of his mouth may also be infected. Not only that, if someone else enters the room after the infected person leaves, he or she is more likely to become infected.

How to spread in crowded places?
The CDC report further indicates that the coronavirus is spreading faster in populated areas. Whether it is indoor or outdoor space. The infected person can also be infected by saliva droplets coming out of the mouth or a person standing more than 6 feet away from the ‘aerosol’. This is not the end. If someone else enters the room after the infected person has left, he or she may also be infected. Masks can save you from all this. That is why scientists are repeatedly emphasizing on wearing this mask.

Distance from nearby people is also necessary
Experts say that in order to protect yourself from coronavirus, you need to keep a distance from your loved ones. Always use a mask. Be careful not to keep yourself away from the infected person. Because now the virus can stay in the air for hours.

Information courtesyNBT

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