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The story of the internet celebrity cat going viral

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You don’t know a white cat named Smaz living in Canada. But if he is part of the most popular memes of 2019, then the matter is much easier.

You may have noticed many such pictures online through Facebook, a woman is screaming and crying towards a cat sitting at the dining table and she is trying to point a finger at the cat and say something. Another woman next door is trying to calm the crying woman.

This meme has been widely used in all cases this year. From the misspellings to the misinterpretations of anything, this meme has been highlighted.

But what is its history? Have you ever felt that curiosity? Then this post is for you.

A woman was seen screaming at Mim This woman is Taylor Armstrong, the star of the TV show “Real Highwives of Beaverly Hill”.

The owner of this cat living in Canada is Miranda Stilaboar. And the name of that popular cat is Smaaj. “Smaj always got his own separate seat at the dinner table,” said Miranda Stilabour, the cat’s owner. The first picture of the cat was in 2016 Tumblr Is posted at

In the picture, a cat is seen sitting in front of vegetables in a state of bewilderment or anger. Many have used the cat’s bizarre expression on social media to convey a dilemma.

Then someone posted these two pictures together on Twitter. This tweet soon became an internet meme sensation.

This cat named Smaz, who became a star overnight An Instagram accountHe has more than 1 million followers. Also There is also a Facebook group called Smajposting There are more than 23,000 members sharing their memes with the cat’s owner. Also in the name of this cat Official Merchandise He is available.

Unfortunately, the two stars of this meme, Taylor Armstrong and Cat Smaze never met. Contact Stillaboyer Taylor, owner of Smaz Has done And he said, “If Smaaz agrees to go out, the two of them can meet!”

You can share such funny memes in your collection in the comments.

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