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The ten technology products that departed in 2014

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Every year the technology companies bring some unexpected surprises and at the same time some of the technology is lost due to some long expected changes and ups and downs. The year 2014 was no exception.

Goodbye to some technology Taken In 2014, which was a favorite of many for a long time. Let’s take a look at the ten most talked about technology products / services.

1. Windows XP

For Microsoft, the decision to shut down Windows XP in 2014 or the biggest final decision of the decade. Although many still use or prefer Windows XP.

2. IPod classic

With the announcement of the new iPhone and iWatch, Apple announced the end of the iPod Classic. Now the iPod Touch will be Apple’s standard music player.

3. MSN Messenger

One of the major effects of Microsoft’s acquisition of Skype in 2011 was the shutdown of Windows Live Messenger.

4. Orkut

Google’s first social network experiment was Orkut, which was less popular in the United States but was even more popular in Brazil in 2010 than Facebook. Google later discontinued it to further strengthen their social network called Google Plus.

5. Facebook pok app

Some people think that Facebook’s Pok app is a fake of Snapchat. Facebook’s short-lived messages, photos, and videos may seem attractive at first, but then it loses its popularity and shuts down.

. Xbox Entertainment StudyOh

Within days of rumors that Microsoft was planning to create original programming (like Netflix and Amazon), Microsoft unofficially shut down Xbox Entertainment Studio as part of its ubiquitous plan. The new CEO (Satya Nadela) is part of this new direction to stop Xbox entertainment. More such changes may come in the new year.

. Nokia X

Microsoft’s new CEO is one of the many changes that have led to the discontinuation of the Android-based Nokia X. He said they would replace the Nokia X with a Windows-powered Lumia design. He added that the move would result in more affordable devices and would also focus more on Windows’ universal apps.

. Justin TV

If you haven’t used Justin TV, you probably don’t know that it created a whole sub-network that broadcasts various content illegally, including new and classic movies. Later it shuts down.

9. McWorld Magazine

McWorld, a popular print publication that has covered almost all of Apple’s products for decades. It closes in September. Although McWorld Publisher’s IDG website survived, the printed version was shut down and its staff fired.

10. Floppy Bird

This game comes as a case study and at one time gained a lot of popularity. The developer later shut it down due to various adverse conditions.

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