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The trend of suicide is increasing from smartphones! Choose an ‘un-smart’ life

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  • Whether it’s a cooking recipe or a dinner party,
  • Whether it is the account of money or the account of home potatoes, the account of running out of pot is now tied to the mobile phone.
  • Banks, Mutual Funds, Insurance, Doctors, Beauticians, Tailors, Mobile Cages

This Living Desk: Good morning, please wake up.

Papan’s headache started when he heard the words he was saying in a tired tone five or six times. Barely caught my eye in the early hours of the night. Mobile phone alarms are also grounded.

Tired of all night web series, social media surfing and chatting. The body no longer gives. But I have to go to the office. One e-mail and message after another is entering before dawn. And the smart phone is ringing with tung tung sound. Sometimes he wants to throw the phone away. But there is no way. Now his life is stuck in this phone. “Without a phone, he’s like a lost gem.”

Papan is not alone, almost everyone nowadays suffers from this kind of mental anguish while trying to make modern technology his life partner. From waking up to going to sleep, the fingers of the hand play on the thin rectangular instrument. Whether it’s cooking recipes or dinner recipes, money accounts or homemade potatoes, the account of running out of pot is now all tied up on mobile phones. Banks, mutual funds, insurance, doctors, beauticians, tailors, all are locked in mobile cages. With the social media anagona. Talking nonsense with an unseen friend, keeping an eye on someone else’s post, worrying about how many likes, gains or shares you have in your own post or picture is part of today’s life.

Have you ever noticed that you feel helpless when you don’t have the phone in your hand?
Psychologists claim it is a mental illness. The inhabitants of the modern world are affected by this epidemic. There is no comment. There is no medicine. Its costume name is Phone Anxiety. A smart phone has brought the whole world in its hands. There is no end to the amount of profit due to this. But at the same time, many people are avoiding the terrible losses due to this.

The horrible time wasted playing social media or games on the smart phone is having a bad effect on your daily life. There is negligence, reluctance, laziness at work, increasing fatigue and anxiety. Many people have started to think that life is useless without the appreciation of virtual friends. Relationships are being broken unhealthily and unethically. Instead of the convenience of connection, smart phones have become a deadly addiction. And if you can’t get out of this addiction, mental illness can play a more serious role. The tendency to commit suicide will also increase. Psychologists are warning.
Just as smoking and alcohol are harmful to health, so are smart phone addictions.

If you can understand your problem then be careful now. Get out of this deadly addiction. Follow some tips from psychologists.

Take a vacation
Take time off from your mobile phone at least once a week. Stop receiving social media, net surfing, news and even receiving phone calls if possible. At first it seems impossible, but later you will see that you are getting relief.

Take a look at which useless apps you use the most. Be ruthless towards them. Occasionally uninstall them for a few days. Whether it is social media or dating site or shopping app.

Take an oath not to touch the phone yourself. Do not touch the phone one hour before going to bed like this. Do not keep the phone close to your head while sleeping. Do not check the phone after waking up. Sit down with your family and eat without touching the phone, do not touch your mobile phone while working in the office.

Choose an ‘un-smart’ life
Even if you are surprised to hear, choose an unsmart life for yourself. Keep in mind not to write down future job descriptions or plans on the phone. Or write it down in your diary. Calculate money or any other calculation by hand. Take the help of an instructor without doing yoga or meditation with the help of the app. Spend time with family and real friends without having to spend a lot of time talking to virtual friends.

Block any friends, followers or topics you don’t like on social media whenever you like. Get rid of negative thoughts. The world is big and beautiful. Do not tie him in a thin box of six by two and a half.

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2021-04-28 18:42:45
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