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The United States has rejected the “iPad mini” trademark application

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ipad-miniA trademark application filed for the “iPad Mini”, a smaller version of the popular tablet computer iPad made by Apple Rejected United States authorities. The name “iPad mini” has no “unique” meaning and has not been approved as a trademark. The letter was issued in January but was only recently published. It states that the three parts of “Mini, Eye and Pad” applied for the trademark are descriptive and none of them, individually or collectively, express any new meaning associated with the device.

However, Apple still has until July to grant the patent office the right to use the trademark, which proves the importance of the phrase.

With patents and trademarks Apple Extremely aware. The U.S. technology maker is currently embroiled in a number of patent battles with competing companies. Legal proceedings are underway against Korean Samsung over iPhone / iPad design and software patents in various countries around the world. Last year, Apple won a huge patent lawsuit between the two companies in the United States, and the court fined Samsung ১ 1 billion.

However, in another recent court decision, Samsung’s fines were almost Rs 40 percent is reduced. Judge Luchi Ko said there was some error in determining the compensation when the verdict was announced for the first time.

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