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The way Facebook is changing our language and culture

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happy-birthday-facebookToday is February 4. The 10th birthday of Facebook, the world’s largest social networking site. Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg, has spread around the world in these 10 years from the dormitory of Harvard University. Its impact on the daily life of the users of the site is also noticeable. Anyone who uses the internet on a mobile or computer, almost everyone starts the day by looking at the notifications on Facebook. Whether it’s an email, or directly on a Facebook site – that’s the reality.

As a result of constant use of Facebook, our language and culture have also changed. Some of the common words are now newly introduced only because of Facebook. Some people have changed the meaning of these words! Let’s see some of these terms.

1. Friend

To people who are unfamiliar with Facebook, a friend is a group of people who are neighbors, classmates, or relatives. In this case, the word ‘friend’ has a lot of depth. But for the Facebook generation, the depth of the term ‘friend’ is less than before. Rather its expansion is skyrocketing. In this digital age, there are many people whom you have never met. Or in fact it may not exist at all! There are many such friendships on Facebook due to fake IDs. You can add your parents, teachers, students and even business clients as friends on Facebook. And this is how Facebook is presenting the word friend in a new way.

2. Like

According to the English dictionary, liking means liking something. And ‘Like’ on Facebook also means liking or thumbs up. There is also the fanpage ‘Like’ – here you like some fanpages even if you do not like them from the heart. Although real life ‘likes’ cannot be understood from outside, giving ‘likes’ on Facebook is no longer a secret.

3. Insects

Pok means ‘to poke’; You can’t finger someone on Facebook, but you can notify your friends by clicking on the ‘poke’ option to let them know that you haven’t forgotten them.

4. Propic

It’s not really a basic English word! Opening a Facebook account will create a profile in your name. And as a profile owner it is very important to add a picture of you. This picture is called ‘Profile Picture’, which can be seen by everyone. The short name of the profile picture is ‘Pro Pic’!

5. Status

The English word ‘status’ means rank, status, etc. In the age of Facebook, status refers to someone’s updated news or feeling. It doesn’t cost any money to give Facebook status. Many people have the status of ‘Uh, it’s getting very hot today’, or ‘I just took a bath’!

. Tags

Tag means to associate something with something else. If you take extra answer sheets in the exam book, you will hear that it is ‘tagged’ with the original answer script. The work of tags on Facebook is almost the same. In this case, it means to cover different Facebook IDs with a picture or post. Tagging is often a nuisance. Because it does not require user permission. Many people eat blocks due to tagging in reverse pictures / posts.

. Block

Block means obstruction. It has some more meanings in English. But the word block on Facebook is terrible. Many people eat block when they go to make friend request at wholesale price. They later floated Facebook in the tide of ‘Ad Me’. Then again they are blocked from fanpage or related ID. If someone is blocked from your profile, they will not be able to see any of your content. You will not see its content.

. Wall

The wall is traditionally used to refer to the walls of a building. But the wall for the Facebook generation is the Facebook timeline. Here all the posts of the concerned person or page are displayed.

9. Unlike

Unlike is the opposite of like. In fact, if you want to, you can not like (dislike) someone in a hurry. Here the mind is a matter of mentality. But it is possible on Facebook. After liking a post, there comes an ‘Unlike’ option. Clicking on it will work immediately!

10. Unfriend

It goes without saying that the word unfriended is not used in real life. None of your friends can be officially ‘deleted’. There may be ups and downs in the relationship, but this is not the case with ‘unfriend’. However On Facebook It happens all the time. The publicity of this word is also the contribution of Facebook. If someone on the site suddenly finds it annoying or embarrassing, it is possible to ‘unfriend’ them directly. It does not require any confirmation.

There are many more words like this on Facebook. If you have any such thing that seems significant to you, you can let us know in the comments here.

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