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There are 10 ways to keep neck and neck skin clean at home

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The neck and neck are an open part of our body. Most of the time our throats and necks are open. In most cases, the beauty of the neck and neck is lost due to sun exposure or careless neglect due to being open. Usually the skin of our neck and neck is soft and dirt gets stuck very quickly due to being open. But there is no reason to worry about it, you can easily keep the neck and throat clean at home if you want. Know the ways.

1. LemonLemon removes sunburn spots and brightens the skin. So you can massage your throat and neck directly with a slice of lemon and mix rose water if you want.

2. Coconut OilCoconut not only nourishes our skin, it also removes the burning sensation from our skin. Massage the neck and neck with coconut oil in equal amounts.

3. Baking sodaMix the amount of water with baking soda and then apply it on the neck and neck and wash it off after 10 minutes.

4. CucumberCucumber helps to cleanse our skin in a natural way. So use cucumber juice on your neck and throat regularly.

5. Rose waterRemove the black marks on the neck and throat with rose water. Clean your neck and throat with rose petals. If you want, you can make a paste by mixing a little turmeric powder with rose water. Apply the paste on the neck and neck and leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off.

. HoneyUse honey to brighten neck and throat skin and remove dirt. Massage the amount of honey on the skin then wash off.

. Aloe veraMassage the neck and neck with aloe vera gel, you will see the skin of the neck and neck will be brighter with daily use.

. Olive oilWe all know that olive oil is very beneficial for our skin. So massage olive oil to keep your neck and neck skin beautiful and soft.

9. Potato juiceYou can use potato juice to remove sunburn and brighten the skin of neck and neck.

10. OrangeOrange juice helps to increase the radiance of our skin. So you can use orange juice on your throat and neck.