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These 6 foods in the kitchen can be eaten for a long time, you know? – Fulcrumy Health Tip

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  • We look at the date written on the packet when buying food items from the store.
  • This means how long you can use the item you bought.
  • However, there are some food items in our kitchen that can be eaten for months or even years.
  • This results in no side effects.

This time the digital desk: We look at the date written on the packet when buying food items from the store. This means how long you can use the item you bought. However, there are some food items in our kitchen that can be eaten for months or even years. This results in no side effects.

In situations like Corona Lockdown, when the store is closed, it will not be a problem if you buy and store more of these items (Food Item). For example, something like honey and sugar Food (Food Item) can be eaten for a long time if stored properly. Here are 7 things used in the kitchen that can be used for a long time.

Salt is used every day in making any food. It is basically a flavoring agent in our diet. In fact, salt can also be used to preserve other foods, as it also acts as a natural preservative. Like honey, salt also dehydrates bacteria and can be used for many years if you store it properly.

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Rice is the staple food of Indians. Rice can be stored for a long time. However, if the rice is kept for a long time, small insects are caught. For this, put some dried neem leaves in the rice. No insects. Wheat can be stored in the same way.

Pulses are needed in every home. A staple food in the kitchen that everyone needs. Any pulse can be stored for a long time. Sometimes the pulses will be better if kept in sunlight.

Sugar is one of the most common ingredients in our kitchen. Which is used almost every day like salt. Sugar should be kept in proper containers, so wet spoon should not be used. If sugar is kept away from moisture, it can easily last for many years. Both white and brown sugar should be kept in airtight containers. It should always be kept away from moisture and heat.

Many people eat honey every day. Honey is also very useful in relieving cold. Healthy honey can be stored and eaten for several years. Honey is very easy to store. There is no need to take any risk to keep this natural ingredient good. Put honey in a glass jar. If the lid is kept tight, the honey will stay good for many days. Do not keep honey in metal or plastic containers.

Soy sauce
Many Asian restaurants use soy sauce in large quantities. If the soy bottle is not opened, it can last a lifetime. It can be stored in the fridge for about 2-3 years.

Cornflower (cornstarch)

Cornflower is a very popular kitchen ingredient. It is used in many delicious dishes. Not just for cooking, cornflower can instantly solve your small problems. It can also be stored for a long time.

Vinegar has multiple nutritional value. Do a Google search for the site and then click on the cached link below the search results. There are many food blogs that tell you about its benefits. It can be stored for a long time.

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2021-06-25 12:24:56
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