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These 6 habits should be a companion to increase immunity

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Hard times like epidemics seem to plague us all. There are thousands of questions and thousands of worries in everyone’s mind.

As a result, its effects are felt in the body as well. However, if we follow some simple habits (lifestyle) throughout the year, then maybe no disease will be able to come close to our side.

We can all follow some simple rules to keep our mind and body healthy and keep the body’s immune power strong.

1. Exercise (workout): You have to try to workout for a certain period of time by making rules every day.

However, this does not mean that you have to go to the gym, you can exercise (workout) sitting at home.

A little walking or yoga will do the same thing again.

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This will benefit your health as well as increase immunity (immunity power).

2. Avoid smoking and alcohol (no drinking or smoking): Many people become addicted to alcohol and smoking to stay away from the stress of daily work.

But what we don’t know is that smoking and drinking can quickly damage our body’s immune system. At the same time the risk of infection increases.

This difficult time should not be done at the risk of life.

So try to keep yourself away from smoking and drinking as much as possible.

3. Smile: We all have more or less different problems or stress in our life. So under that pressure we are becoming very mechanical.

I almost forgot to breathe in the open air.

But in the meanwhile you have to find time for yourself.

One should not think too much about any subject. Everyone should try to have a good smile.

4. Get enough sleep: Now everyone from children to old people have less sleep time.

Because work or gadgets have taken over that time.

Less sleep or not sleeping can cause many problems in the body.

Doctors say that to stay healthy, you need to sleep for 6 to 8 hours a day.

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2021-05-30 19:39:13
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