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This 8 year old girl wrote a letter to Google asking for a job and got an unimaginable answer!

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A 7-year-old girl living in England sent a letter to web giant Google applying for a job. Google CEO Sundar Pichai read the letter and replied to the letter. This kid named Chloe Bridgewater has a tab so he can play a game about robots. His keen interest in computers. From that interest, Chloe wrote a letter to Google asking for a job.

But now he is not looking for a job at Google. The child says that when he grows up, he wants to do a job at Google. The girl is more in her letter Wrote, She also wants to work in a chocolate factory and take part in swimming competitions at the Olympics. She is very good at teaching and her teachers praise her.

Chloe became interested in working there after seeing all the wonderful pictures and stories from Google Office. Her father Andy Bridgewater in a post on LinkedIn Wrote, Two years ago a car hit Chloe. After that incident, Chloe lost her self-confidence. Now Chloe is very happy to get this great surprise from Google, and is eager to get better results.

See the picture of Chloe’s letter here:

On the other hand, after receiving this letter, Google CEO Sundar Pichai gave a reply to the child. The beautiful Pichai thanked the girl and said, “If you work hard to make your dream come true, you will achieve everything.”

Here is the letter from Sundar Pichai

Chloe’s father, Andy Bridgewater, shares Pichai’s letter on LinkedIn Has done.

What Chloe wrote in the letter:

“Dear Google Boss,

My name is Chloe and when I am bigger I would like a job with Google. I also want to work in a chocolate factory and do swimming in the Olympics. I go swimming on Saturdays and a Tuesday.

My dad said I can sit on bean bags and go down slides and ride on Go Karts in a job in Google.

I like computers too and have a tablet I play games on. My dad gave me a game where I have to move a robot up and down squares, he said it would be good for me to learn about computers. My dad said he will get me a computer one day.

I am 7 years old and my teachers tell my mum and dad I am very good in class and am good at my spelling and reading and my sums.

My dad told me if I carry on being good and learning then one day I will be able to have a job at Google.

My sister Hollie is also very clever but she likes doll and dressing up, she is 5. My dad told me to give you an application to get a job in Google.

I don’t really know what one of them, is but he said a letter will do for now.

Thank you for reading my letter, I have only ever sent one other and that was to Father Christmas.

Good bye.

Chloe Bridgewater, Age 7. ”

And Sundar Pichai wrote in reply:

“Thank you so much for your letter. I’m glad that you like computers and robots, and hope that you will continue to learn about technology.

I think if you keep working hard and following your dreams, you can accomplish everything you set your mind to – from working at Google to swimming to the Olympics.

I look forward to receiving your job application when you are finished with school! 🙂

All the best to you and your family. “

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