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This blood is flowing in the body of only 43 people in the world! You will be surprised to know the details – Kolkata24x7

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Kolkata24X7 Desk: Blood For which a human life can live. Blood donation camps are set up in the area so that one drop of blood can never take the life of a human being. One blood type of one person. Demand for A-positive or negative, B-positive or negative, AB-positive blood also comes to the fore. But there is a group of blood that most people cannot even imagine. Which is in the body of only 43 people in the whole world. The name ‘Golden Blood’.

It is known that a person with the group ‘Golden Blood’ does not have any antigen of the ‘RH’ system in his body. Such people are not supposed to see the light of day. Well tell me, is it possible to survive without antigen? Certainly not. But those who are not supposed to survive, they are the ones who exist in the world. They are walking in the heart of the divine world. The whole thing sounds weird, but it’s true.

Their blood also has structural differences with the blood of others. Blood in the body of almost all human beings in the world, there must be 180 antigens in the blood. But the number of antigens in the blood of these 43 people is 342. A blood group is considered rare only when one of these antigens is present in the blood of one of them, which is present in 99% of human blood. In addition, 99.99 percent of human blood is missing blood that is considered ‘very rare’.

This type of blood is also called ‘RH nal blood’. 1939 Researchers first thought of this blood that year. But it was just a theory. If a person does not have any RH system antigen in his body, then his blood group will be ‘RH null’. In fact, no one could have imagined that this was possible.

It is known that the first such blood was found in the body of an Australian woman in 1971. It is also known that so far only 43 such people have been found in the world. If ever there is a blood problem in their life, they have to face a big problem. His family also took extra precautions against the holders of this Golden Blood. The identities of such extremely rare blood holders are also stored at the time of submitting the sample to the blood bank.

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2021-06-17 16:30:52
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