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This headset can understand your mind

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Big tech giants like Apple, Microsoft and Amazon have created virtual assistant apps called Siri, Cortana and Alexa. Google also has Google Assistant. But one of the limitations is that with Siri, Cortana or other such digital assistant apps, you have to work with words. These are basically voice commands. For example, you can give a command to write a message to Siri on iPhone or your Google Assistant on Android.

But in these cases you have to get the message to the phone. Only Siri, Cortana, or Google Assistant will work according to your command. If you talk on the phone like this in a crowded place outside the house, it will not look very good. Someone else might even hear your secret message. Moreover, your assistant app will not listen to you properly in external words. The new device Ultraigo invented by MIT can solve this problem.

Yes. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a US-based research institute, have developed a new wearable device that can sense your mind if you put it in your ear like a headset. This device called Ultraigo understands the language of the user’s mind by analyzing the signals generated from the brain. According to the MIT research team, in their experiments, Alterigo was able to accurately understand the human mind in 92% of cases. Done.

When we speak, our brain arranges those words and sends signals to our jaw and facial muscles. Then we express that word through the movement and breathing of other parts of our mouth and speech aids. The Ultraigo receives signals from the human jaw and facial muscles and analyzes them to create a voice output that is first heard by the user via a headset. If the user hears that the words are correct, then they can be used for the next task (such as giving voice commands). The Alterigo user does not need to speak in words, the device accepts it as soon as it speaks in its mind.

Alterigo currently uses four sensors to capture brain signals, which touch from ear to jaw. But now the headset may seem a little big to you. The inventors expect that in the future the device will be smaller and easier to use.

It can also be used by the disabled and artisans. Alteigo can be useful in places where it is difficult to communicate by speaking due to loud noises. At the same time, there is usability in the virtual assistant app.

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