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This plant is very effective in Corona-Kale; There is at hand, do you know?

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Own report: Ayurveda was very popular in ancient India. But in modern times we no longer rely on herbs, plants, roots. But some very familiar plants have all the wonderful qualities!

Don’t overdo it.Corona Pandemic) Health is an asset in difficult times. In this situation, it is important to keep one’s health intact by increasing one’s immunity in a natural way. For this, people have been relying on ginger, basil, honey etc. for a long time. Besides, we can take advantage of another important thing from the treasures of nature. That is Giloy.

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This element of nature which looks like a betel leaf is called ‘chemistry’ in Ayurveda. In ancient times it was also called ‘Amritballi’. Gulach useful to reduce the pain of cough, asthma, asthma.

Now it is heard, Kovid (COVID-19) It also helps the patient in the case. Gulach contains antibiotic ingredients. Which destroys harmful germs in the body. This herb is also very useful for those who have had fever for a long time. Gulach contains antioxidants. Which will work in the covid-episode. Those who are exhausted (depression) This herb is also very useful for those who suffer. Many people are facing mental problems in Corona situation. As a result, Gulach is expected to do well in this case as well.

In addition, Gulach has many qualities. Its leaves are also effective in preventing osteoporosis. Gulach helps in lowering the blood sugar level. As a result, it works well in diabetes. It also helps to lose weight. Increases digestion capacity, keeps the liver well.

In other words, the importance of this tree in creeping at this difficult time is undeniable.

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