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This security feature of Firefox can make you more secure

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Mozilla is experimenting with an excellent security feature in the Firefox Nightly 44 build, a trial version of the Firefox browser. Although it sounds simple, the feature will undoubtedly provide more security for the user when it comes to the final version of Firefox.

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Firefox 44 Nightly Build currently identifies sites that send login information (username-password) via HTTP as ‘insecure’ Doing. That is, when you visit these sites, if any of their pages have a login field, and if HTTP is used instead of HTTPS for login, then this beta feature of Firefox will warn the site as unsafe.

The data that is exchanged between the user’s device and the site’s server via HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) can be viewed by anyone in the middle of the network. But HTTPS (Secure) user sites do not have this risk, as HTTPS users are exchanged between the site’s server and the user’s device. The information remains encrypted, So no one can read it in the middle. So no one will be able to see your login information by peeking in your network.

This feature is now in the experimental phase. It is expected to be quite useful when it comes to the final version.

3 What is encryption? What is the use of this?

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