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This time the number of people infected with Black Fungus is gradually increasing, crossing the boundary of 12 thousand

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Own report: The number of black fungus cases is increasing step by step next to the corona. The number of people infected with black fungus is about 12,000 so far. It is known that Gujarat, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh.

Last week, the Ministry of Health instructed all states to declare black fungus infection as an epidemic due to an increase in the number of Kovid patients infected with Mucormycosis. On Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the disease had emerged as a new challenge in India’s fight against Kovid-19.

Read more-As the effects of ‘black fungus’ increase, so does the ‘growing’ drug

In Maharashtra, 2,60 cases have been reported so far. 2,69 in Gujarat and 6 in Andhra Pradesh. Union Minister DV Sadananda Gaur has released information from different states and said,
More than 30,000 vials of amphotericin-B have been used to treat Mucormycosis. The drugs are being sent to all the states and union territories.

Read moreWhat to do if symptoms of black fungus are found in the new guideline AIIMS after the declaration of the epidemic?

So far, 720 people have been reported in Delhi. Today, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that the number is almost five times higher than the number (119) reported by the central government.

According to the ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research), Mucormycosis is a fungal infection that “mainly affects patients whose ability to fight environmental pathogens has diminished.”

Read moreWhat is the danger of applying zinc? What do experts say about Black Fungus?

Randeep Guleria said, “In a hospital in Gujarat, a separate ward has to be set up for patients with myocardial infarction. A team of infectious disease specialists, ENT surgeons and neurosurgeons has been formed. ” Mucormycosis, also known as the rare fungal disease, has become a major cause of steroid abuse behind its rapid spread. However, it can cause infections not only in people with covid, but also in people with diabetes, transplants and cancer. The AIIMS chief said the infection was rare.

Zee24GhantaHealth News
2021-05-27 11:45:22
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