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Thunderbolts in Junk Food, Avoid Staying Healthy – Kolkata24x7

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We are all constantly busy, regardless of gender. There is no time to take care of yourself due to study stress or extra responsibilities of office. Living has become uncontrollable. Fish fry bites in the college canteen or fried rice chili chicken in Petpur from the shop adjacent to the office for office lunch break, has become a daily routine for many of us. And an outing or house party with friends is almost always an outdoor meal or junk food.

According to doctors, the habit of eating junk food regularly can be fatal. This is because various chemicals are often used to make the food delicious and attractive. And the recent riots in Bengal have raised questions about the quality of these foods. Eating junk food regularly can lead to weight gain, diabetes, heart disease and many other physical problems. Many studies have shown that eating junk food every day can lead to brain damage. Let’s take a look at the details-

Brain and memory problems: Regular consumption of junk food, as seen in various studies, causes nan problems in the brain as well as memory disorders. Playing junk food every day increases the toxins in the various chemicals present in it, and increases the inflammation of our brain. As a result, there is a possibility of memory disturbance.

Weight gain: In many cases low quality oil is used in cooking junk food. Weight gain at an abnormal rate with regular play can lead to physical problems.

Increased risk of diabetes: Eating junk food regularly can increase the risk of diabetes in young people in many cases. Junk food can also cause high blood pressure.

Causes of depression: Studies have shown that excess sugar and oily foods alter the chemical reactions in the brain, making our brains dependent on such foods. This time, if someone suddenly stops eating junk food in the pursuit of good health, even if he wants to avoid junk food, then there is a possibility of mental exhaustion.

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2021-04-14 19:44:07
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