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TickTock and YouTube War – TickTock’s Play Store ratings have dropped dramatically

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Tick ​​tock and YouTube war

Over the past week, the short video platform TickTock’s Play Store rating has dropped from 4.6 stars to 1.2 stars, which we are all aware of. Let’s find out now, the story behind this app which has been downloaded more than 2 billion times.

The main reason for the dramatic drop in TickTock ratings is the ongoing “Internet war” between India’s YouTubers and TickTockers.

Tic Tac Toe has already been criticized in the YouTube community. Mumbai-based TickTock Creator, Aamir Siddiqui posted a video on his Instagram account alleging that YouTube users had stolen their content. This video is the beginning of the beginning of this internet war.

The issue became more serious after India’s popular YouTuber Ajay Nagar, originally known as Cariminati, posted a roasting video on the subject. Within a few days, the video had over 70 million views and a record number of likes on YouTube in India. However, the roasting video posted by Carminati was hampered by the YouTube authorities showing the reason for violating the online harassment policy. It is believed that the video has been deleted by YouTube due to the reports of TickTock fans.

As a result, the YouTube community was outraged, and in protest, the Play Store version of the TickTock app was given a 1-star rating. Starts. Due to this situation, the rating of TickTock app with 4.8 rating and Editor’s Choice Award tag dropped to 1.2 within a week! Various hashtag campaigns are also being run on Twitter with tick ban. TickTock’s iPhone app rating also dropped from 4.5 stars to 3.5 stars in the Apple App Store.

Also, another ticker named Faizal Siddiqui recently posted a video on Tikat which is accused of inciting acid-terror incidents against women. Later, Faizal Siddiqui himself removed the video. But in the face of criticism from various quarters, Tiktak authorities suspended Faizal’s account. From this incident also to give 1 star rating to TickTock app Hirik falls.

More than 1 million ratings were removed from the Google Play Store recently for allegedly giving a 1-star rating to the TickTock app by opening a new Google account. As a result, TickTock currently has a rating of 1.6 on the Play Store Doing. At present, TickTock’s rating in the Indian Apple App Store is 3.4 stars There is.

What do you think of this internet war on TickTock and YouTube? Let us know in the comments section!

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