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To learn Java programming in Bengali, read the book ‘Mastering Java’

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Author Mosharraf Rubel brought a book ‘Mastering Java’ to learn Java programming in simple Bengali language. In order to become proficient in Java programming, various chapters of the book, starting from the basics to the core content of Java are discussed. The book Mastering Java came on the market on April 15, 2016. For the past week, the book has been at the top of the weekly bestsellers of, the largest online bookstore in Bangladesh.

For those who are interested in learning new Java programming, this book is for them. The book is arranged with the necessary materials to become a skilled Java programmer starting from basic level. All examples used in the Mastering Java book are open, and can be found on the author’s website Address.

From ‘Hello World’ of Java programming language to object oriented programming is discussed in detail in the book Mastering Java. The book is arranged with various practical examples from the author’s own teaching experience.

The main topics discussed in the book Mastering Java are as follows:

1. What can be made with Java

2. Java syntax and nomenclature

3. Java variables, data types, modifiers, operators

4. Loop, array

5. Method, class object

. Inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation

. Java thread, exception handling

. Java Collection and Generics

9. File I / O

10. Prizes, annotations, singletones, etc.

Author Mosharraf Rubel is a mobile application developer and teaches in the computer science department at Southeast University.

The next world of information technology. Everything is being computerized. Skilled programmers will be needed to create these technologies. As a career, there are opportunities to work as a Java programmer. The book contains special guidelines for building a career as a programmer. The book will be helpful for those who are learning Java and want to work on other platforms made with Java such as Android App Development, Spring.

Call 16297 to get the Mastering Java book from Rokmari at home, or visit Rokmari at this link ( Call 01735-742908 to get from Nilkhet Manik Library.

Author’s web site about mastering Java books

Note: Mosharraf Rubel assisted in publishing this post by providing information, text and images.

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