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To make sex life healthy, eat cumin, asafoetida, sajna stalk

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Own report: In today’s busy lifestyle, irregular or uncontrolled diet and excessive stress are affecting people’s sex life. Sex life is relaxing. It has been observed many times that many people become reluctant to have sex as they get older. In this case, many people take help of Viagra to bring stimulation in sex life. There are some food ingredients that can increase our sexual ability many times! Let us know about them in detail.

5 Food Ingredients That Will Increase Sexual Ability:

1) Garlic: According to African Health Sciences, garlic, like ginger, is very useful in increasing sexual potency and restoring sexual arousal in life. As a result, if you have at least one clove of garlic in your daily leaf, you will easily get back the sexual stimulation lost in life.

2) Hing: According to Dr. Hari Krishna Bakhru, if you eat 0.06 grams of asafoetida daily for 40 consecutive days, you can get back to a healthy sex life. Hing can be mixed in cooking. You will get benefits even if you throw a pinch of hing in 1 glass of water every morning. Dr. Bakhru also mentions the effectiveness of Hing in his book Herbs That HillNatural Remedies for Good Health.

3) Sajane stalk: According to a report published in the American Journal of Neuroscience, Sajna stalks work very well to alleviate male erection problems or lack of arousal. You can put sajne stalk in the leaf every day or you can mix sajne flower, salt and black pepper in 1 glass of milk and eat it every day but you will get benefits.

4) Cumin: According to a report in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, the potassium and zinc in cumin increase blood circulation to the genitals. The result is sexual arousal. So try 1 cup of hot tea every day with a little cumin. Will benefit.

5) Ginger: Extract has medicinal properties that help in combating multiple diseases. Ginger is also essential for maintaining a healthy sex life. The volatile oil in ginger stimulates the nerves and regulates blood circulation. If you can eat ginger juice and honey with a boiled egg every day, you will get fruit by hand.