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Today is International Nurses’ Day, learn about the founders of modern nursing.

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  • Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, was born on May 12, 1820, into an Italian aristocratic family.
  • Her birthday has been celebrated all over the world since 1984 as International Nurses’ Day.
  • May 12 is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing.

This time the digital desk: May 12 is dedicated to the nurseinternational nurses day). The world celebrates International Nurses Day to highlight the contribution of nurses to society, the way they care for the sick.

Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing, was born on May 12, 1820, into an Italian aristocratic family.Florence Nightingale). Her birthday has been celebrated all over the world since 1984 as International Nurses’ Day. May 12 is the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the mother of modern nursing. So this day is celebrated International Nurses Day As. There are more nurses than any other profession in the healthcare world. These include raising awareness about the latest health services, organizing workshops and seminars on patient needs. Each country celebrates this day in its own way.

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Florence Nightingale came to London from Derbyshire at the age of 18. The condition of the hospitals in London at that time was very poor. One of the reasons for this was that at that time no one came forward to work as a nurse. Because this profession was not given social status. But Nightingale knew he had come to earth Nurse Just to be. Parents have been hostile from time to time. Florence did not give up hope. Finally, with the permission of her parents, she flew to Germany in 1851 to train as a nurse. The nurse began raising funds for training. He raised about 45,000 pounds by begging. She founded the Nightingale Training School in 180 to establish nursing as a full-fledged profession at St Thomas’ Hospital in London. Florence Nightingale School of Nursing ‘. Dr. She co-founded the Women’s Medical College in New York in 18 with Elizabeth Blackwell.

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Florence Nightingale has been instrumental in bringing healthcare to rural India. In 183, Queen Victoria honored him with the Royal Red Cross for his exemplary service to the people. In 1906, Florence Nightingale was awarded the Order of Merit as the first woman. In 1906 he was awarded the title of ‘Honorary Freedom’ in London.

She was the head nurse during the Crimean War. He served the wounded and dying soldiers of both the countries day and night regardless of the Anglo-Turkish. He used to walk in the corridors of the hospital late at night with candles in his hand to see the needs of the patients. So people still remember Lady With Lamp. In 180, the Nightingale School of Nursing, the world’s first school for nursing, was scientifically established in London. He also contributed to the construction of this school.

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2021-05-12 13:35:27
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